Boost your quota 2 application at College in the US
When you graduate from secondary school, you start a whole new chapter in your life. A wealth of possibilities and considerations. The whole world is open. What does the future hold? Are you taking a gap year? Do you want to study a higher education course right away or do you want to wait a year? Do you even need to continue your studies? Maybe you have your heart set on a program that requires a quota 2 application? We know all about these considerations. We went through it ourselves and now have daily dialogs with our wonderful clients who are themselves in this tangle of considerations and decisions.
In this short article, we put on our academic glasses and try to make you a little more aware of what a study abroad program in the US can offer you.
Strengthen your quota 2 college application in the USA.
You may already know that your dream degree requires a quota 2 application. You may have tried to apply and not been admitted, for example because of your grade point average. -You have probably already familiarized yourself with the possibility of applying via quota 2 again next year. When applying via quota 2, other criteria besides your average are taken into account. Many degree programs emphasize a study abroad experience. You may want to check
what is taken into account when applying to CBS
A stay abroad can be done in many ways. We are seeing an increasing tendency for young people to use their gap year to optimize their quota 2 application by studying a semester at a college in the US. Our clients are typically athletes and they therefore combine their semester/sabbatical by practicing their sport at the given College – as a fully integrated part of their everyday life as Student Athletes.
You can put together a pretty cool study program at College in the United States and in this way choose subjects that are relevant to the education you may want to apply for via quota 2. After a semester (which typically lasts about 4 months) you get a transcript or a certificate that documents the subjects you have completed – and which can be used in your applications and for your CV. In general, the chances of being admitted are very good. The USA is the country with the highest number of international students and they are very proactive in their approach. to increase this number.
NOTE: The opportunities for admission – as well as the costs associated with admission – are even better if you show an athletic level that can contribute to your sports department. It is here
port Scholarships become highly relevant.
Gain work experience through College in the US.
Work experience is also one of the elements taken into account for quota 2 applications!
However, it can be quite difficult to get exciting and relevant work experience when you only have a secondary education. It is not easy to be hired for something you are not trained or qualified for. This is where internships come in!
When you study a higher education program in Denmark or Scandinavia, it is normal to have a student job on the side and some programs include a compulsory internship. In College in the US – especially if you are a student athlete – it is a decidedly full-time study and very few students have a job on the side. On the other hand, they have a really long summer vacation (+3 months) and it is during this period that many students take internships and gain relevant work experience.
The different universities are also doing a lot to strengthen internship opportunities for their students, and throughout the spring semester you will experience internship fairs and workshops that can prepare you even better for it. Unlike in Denmark, many of these internships are also
making it an easier decision.
Why not just do the whole program in college in the US?
In the US, different entry requirements apply and in many cases there will be more places and more ‘relaxed’ entry requirements. It is a real priority for the US to maintain their position as the most used destination for international students. This benefits us, you and all our clients. It may therefore be an obvious option to simply study the entire bachelor’s degree in the US instead of worrying about the quota 2 application. The really cool thing about this is that you don’t have to make that decision before you go there. Many of our clients go to college in the US with the intention of staying for a semester or a year – but end up doing their entire undergraduate degree over there. A bachelor’s degree in the US typically takes 4 years! Many colleges have a start date several times a year, so you’re not limited to perhaps waiting a year before starting the process.
This sounds really good! And it’s true – an education in the US is a huge investment in your future and in yourself. But it also costs money to get an education in the US. It does in Denmark and Scandinavia too, we are just very privileged with our welfare system. Fortunately, there are good financing options! In addition to the possibility of SU, the scholarships (scholarships) awarded by universities themselves, a golden opportunity to make the education and experience affordable – or even free. A distinction is made between
scholarships and here in our little shop, it’s the athletic scholarships that we spend all our time on.
Please contact us if you are curious about the athletic, academic and financial aspects of attending college in the US. There are opportunities for all priorities, levels and ambitions!
Boost your quota 2 application at College in the US Read More »